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Home » Baba Vanga Predictions list 2025 : Check Complete List

Baba Vanga Predictions list 2025 : Check Complete List

baba vanga predictions list 2025 :

The prophecies made by Bulgarian resident Baba Venga are currently being debated once more. Even though Baba Venga passed away thirty years ago, people are still concerned about his prophecies. Baba Venga has said that humanity will begin to die in the year 2025. According to him, a series of disastrous incidents would lead to it. Baba Venga gained notoriety when his prophecies about World War II came to pass.

In 1911, Baba Venga was born. A dust storm at the age of twelve caused him to lose his vision. Although Baba Venga passed away in 1996, he had making prophecies for hundreds of years prior. There are reports in the media that Baba Venga’s predictions for 2025 are considerably more terrifying. He has declared that humanity will start to perish this year.

Is the end of the world approaching? ‘No,’ is the current response; but, the future is yet unknown. Various accounts state that one of Baba Vanga’s most recent and ominous prophecies is that the world will end in 2025. The end of humanity won’t come until 5079, but according to Vanga, the end of the world will begin in 2025.

Humans have discovered energy on the planet Venus :

According to Baba Venga, a cataclysmic event would trigger the beginning of humanity’s destruction in 2025. A horrible conflict that will wreak havoc and severely damage a sizable portion of the people is predicted to break out in Europe in 2025. According to Baba Venga, people would attempt to obtain electricity from Venus by 2028. In 2033, there will a significant change in the climate. Rising sea levels are predicted as polar ice melts.

Humans will make contact with aliens in 2130 :

According to Baba Venga, communism will take hold over the planet by 2076. In 2130, contact between humans and extraterrestrials will occur. Venga predicts that there will a global drought crisis in the year 2170. The effects of climate change will felt more strongly as a result. In 3005, Baba Venga has made the riskiest forecast. According to his predictions, Earth and Mars would go to war in 3005. By 3797, the world won’t habitable, in his opinion. People will have no choice but to seek refuge elsewhere as a result. In this sense, everything on Earth will eliminated by the year 5079.

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Beyond 2025 : Alarming Visions

Beyond 2025, Vanga’s predictions outline a series of alarming events: by 2028, humans will supposedly explore Venus for its energy potential, despite its inhospitable conditions. In 2033, she predicts a dire consequence of climate change—the melting of polar ice caps, resulting in drastic sea-level rises worldwide.

Further into the future, Vanga prophesied the global spread of communism by 2076, followed by human contact with extraterrestrial beings in 2130. As we delve deeper into her timeline, the predictions grow increasingly dire, painting a bleak picture of our future.

Baba Venga predicted the 9/11 attacks :

People are afraid because several of Baba’s Venga’s prophecies that he made prior to his passing have come true. Both the death of Princess Diana and the US 9/11 attacks were predicted, and they have come to pass. Although it is hard to tell how accurate Baba Venga’s prophecy will in the future, some people do pay attention to what is spoken about it. Baba Venga’s forecasts are quite challenging in light of the numerous crises and escalating environmental issues that the world is currently facing.

The End of Humanity Prediction Timeline by Vanga | List :

  1. 2025 : An alarming forecast regarding 2025 has made by Baba Venga. According to her, the end of the world will happen in 2025. He does, however, assert that mankind will not vanish entirely by 5079. For 2025, he has one more horrifying forecast. It predicts that a significant war will start in Europe in 2025, leading to a sharp decline in the continent’s population.
  2. 2028: In addition, Baba Venga has made a significant prophecy on the world’s energy running out. In 2028, humans will able to go to Venus in pursuit of a new energy source, according to his estimate.
  3. 2033: Every year, the global temperature rises. A dire prophecy by Baba Venga has emerged in the face of the global climate crisis. The analysis predicts that by 2033, sea levels would rise dramatically as polar ice melts more quickly.
  4. 2043: In accordance with Baba Venga’s prophecy, Muslims will rule over Europe in 2043. In 2043, a prophecy by Baba Venga states that Muslims will rule over Europe.
  5. 2046:  Baba Venga made a significant prediction that, if realized, may make it feasible for people to live to 100 years old. According to Baba Venga, organ donation and transplant technology would extremely sophisticated by 2046.
  6. 2076: Baba Vengas’ forecasts also indicate a significant shift in geopolitics. According to his predictions, communism would once again govern the entire planet by 2076.
  7. 2100: It is daybreak in some part of the world today, yet in other parts of it, total darkness reigns. Baba Venga predicts that by 2100, artificial sunshine will shine in another region of the world.
  8. 2130: Baba Venga has also delivered a significant forecast for individuals with inquiries about aliens. He claims that contact with aliens will occur, signaling a significant advancement in human history.
  9. 2170: The planet will face a struggle in the form of a devastating drought, according to Baba Venga.
  10. 3005: Baba Venga discussed space warfare in the year 3005. He thought there might a battle on Mars.
  11. 3797: According to Baba Venga, the earth will end in destruction in 3797. Nonetheless, he asserted that travel to other planets will possible for mankind.
  12. 5079: The world’s end is Baba Venga’s most dramatic prophecy. In 5079, he predicts, a cosmic event will bring about the end of the earth.
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There are those who have asserted to know when the world would end besides Vanga.

Because the Mayan calendar ended on December 21, 2012, some people think that the Mayan tribe foresaw the end of the world in 2012.
Furthermore, the Doomsday Clock published annually by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists releases an estimate. The Doomsday Clock set this year, for the second year in a row, at ninety seconds to midnight, “reflecting the continued state of unprecedented danger the world faces.”

The clock was also set to 90 seconds to midnight last year, which the closest to midnight in its history.
Throughout her life, Vanga was evaluated and analyzed by numerous Bulgarian and Soviet specialists, who finally concluded that her success rate was 85 percent rate in accordance with Sky History’s forecasts.

At the age of 85, she even supposedly foresaw her own demise on August 11, 1996.
All that can hoped for is that her forecasts regarding the next 3,000 years of Armageddon would within the 15 percent inaccuracy range.

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