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Home » Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra Registration, Trek date 2024 Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra Registration, Trek date 2024

Official link of Website : Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra Registration, Trek date 2024 shrikhand mahadev yatra 2024 registration, Trek date:

One of the most difficult pilgrimages in India, Shrikhand Mahadev, is associated with Lord Shiva in Hindu mythology. For Hindus, it is a place of pilgrimage. It is believed to Lord Shiva’s residence. In Himachal, it also makes for an exhilarating and daring hike. The alluring scenery of Himachal Pradesh’s natural landscape, the soul-satisfying view of the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayan mountain ranges, and the fervent belief in the Almighty inspire thousands of Hindu pilgrims worldwide to undertake this strenuous journey without a single grumble or complaint. It transports you to the summit of the Shrikand Mahadev peak, which is approximately 17,000 feet above sea level, through the opulent and breathtaking scenery of the majestic Himalayas. This sacred site is located in the Himachal Pradesh district of Kullu.

About Shrikhand Mahadev:

At a height of 18570 feet, the Shrikhand Mahadev peak is also the home of Lord Shiva. Shrikhand Mahadev is a highly regarded pilgrimage site with spiritual significance, and the Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra is regarded as one of the most difficult pilgrimages.

Details of Shrikhand Mahadev:

Altitude 18570ft
Distance 32 Km
Duration 7-8 Days
Best time July to August
Temperature 2 to -5 Degrees
Weather Hard to Forecast
Difficulty Level Difficult

How to Register Online for the Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra in 2024:

Yatra of Shrikhand Mahadev Devotees can register online, which is a simple process, or offline, in the Nirmand and A Districts of Himanchal, on the route to Jaon.

Register Now for the 2024 Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra Updates

  • The Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra is scheduled to take place from July 14–27, 2024.
  • There will a 250 rupee registration fee that is non-refundable.
  • Before authorizing the Yatra, a medical examination would conducted.
  • It is requested that those who are 60 years of age or older and under not participate in this yatra.
  • It is required that you register; else, you will not permitted.
  • On the official website, pilgrims can register themselves. This must done well in advance.
  • After the registration is complete, a devotee must obtain prior authorization
  • Shrikhand Mahadev yatra starts from village Joan on the way to Shrikhand you will find medical camps along the way where they keep an eye on the medical history of all the devotees.
  • For registration and yatra dates visit Himanchal Pradesh Tourism it usually opens in the mid of June.

Fixed Departure Dates Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra in 2024:

 July  August  September
29 June to 5 July


3 August to  9 August


30 June to 6 July 10 August to 16 August
6 July to 12 July 15 August to 21 August – 7 September to 13 September
7 July to 13 July Independence Day Weekend
13 July to 19 July 31 August to 6 September
14 July to 20 July


Dates of Opening for Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra in 2024:

The schedule for the 2024 Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra has revealed. The holy pilgrimage will begin on July 14 and go through July 27, 2024.

Shrikhand Mahadev Advice & Scheduling:

The strenuous 18570-foot Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra is regarded as one of the hardest. Fitness level requirements for the high altitude hike to Shrikhand Mahadev Peak are high.

Tips for Preparation

  • Exercise both aerobically and strength-wise to ensure you don’t have any issues when you’re high above the ground.
  • To avoid altitude sickness and to acclimate, spend some time at a higher altitude.
  • Always have first aid supplies, water-resistant shoes, protective clothes, food, and water with you.

Essentials/Things to Carry:

  • Simple Requirements:

Trekking shoes: You’ll need trekking shoes with a decent grip because the trail will have some slick spots. It won’t comfy enough to wear sports shoes. To understand how to select the best hiking shoes, watch this video.
A backpack with 40–60 liters: a backpack with a supporting frame and strong straps. A rain cover is a must for the backpack.

  • Outfits:

Two warm layers: After nightfall, the temperature at the campsites, particularly the higher ones, will drop to between two and six degrees. For this walk, you will need at least three warm garments—two light layers, such fleece or woollen, and one padded jacket.
Two hiking pants For this excursion, one pair of pants should plenty. However, in case the first pair gets wet, you may always carry an extra pair. Take one pair off and put one on.
Two t-shirts with collars: Wear loose, long-sleeved t-shirts to protect your arms and neck from sunburn. Once more, carry one and wear one.
Thermals (Optional): People who are more prone to cold should bring thermal clothing for the evening.

  • Accessories:

Sunglasses: Wearing sunglasses will help you avoid snow blindness. Bring along some sunglasses as there may snow near the lake.
Suncap: There’s more sun
Artificial hand gloves: One pair of hand gloves made of wool or fleece. One pair of windproof, water-resistant gloves.
Balaclava: Woollen scarves work just as well.
Two pairs of socks: You can bring a pair of woollen socks for the evening in addition to the two sports socks.
LED flashlight or headlamp: Required
Trekking stick: To learn why you need a trekking pole, watch this video.

  • Others

Daypack (20 litres): If you are offloading your backpack, you will need a smaller backpack to carry water, a medical kit and some light snacks.
Toiletries (Sunscreen, moisturiser, light towel, lip balm, toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste)
Cutlery: Carry a spoon, coffee mug and a lunch box. We insist on trekkers getting their cutlery for hygiene reasons.
Two water bottles: 1 litre each
Plastic covers: While packing, use plastic bags to compartmentalise things and carry a few extra plastic bags for wet clothes.

  •  Personal Medical Kit

    Diamox – 10 tablets (to prevent AMS)
    Crocin – 6 tablets (fever)
    Avomine – 4 tablets (motion sickness)
    Avil 25mg – 4 tablets (allergies)
    Combiflam – 4 tablets (Pain killer)
    Disprin – 6 tablets (headache)
    Norflox TZ & Lomofen– 6 tablets each (diarrhoea)
    Digene – 10 tablets (acidity)
    Omez/ Rantadine – 10 tablets (antacids)
    Crepe bandage – 3 to 5 meters
    Gauze – 1 small roll
    Band-aid – 10 strips
    Cotton – 1 small roll
    ORS – 10 packets
    Betadine or any antiseptic cream
    Moov spray (aches, & sprains).

Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra Itinerary:

Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra can done from 06 different route but as organised by the government and one of the best route from jaon is discussed here.

This is not the only route that we mentioned in the blog for the yatra there are several others but this is one of the safest and most common with food shelter facilities available on this trek.

Jaon>> Singhaad >> Barahati >> Thacharu >> Kali Top >> Bhimtalai >> Kunsa >> Lunabai >> Bhimdwari >> Parvati Bagh >> Nain Sarovar >> Bheembai >> Shrikhand Mahadev.

Experience of the Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra:

Day 01 (Jaon to Singhad) 3 Km:

The beginning of the Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra is in Jaon Village. From there, you can walk 3 km to Singhad, which is also the first base camp established by the administration. Alternatively, you can choose to stay in a guest house; these are readily available and include home stays and guest homes.

Day 02 (Singhad to Thachru) 12 Km:

The following day, you depart from Singhad and travel to Barahati, which is at an elevation of 2300 meters. Barahati is named after the Buransh trees that grow there. Two rivulets meet here, and at this location, there is a small temple dedicated to Gircharu. From there, you begin an 8-kilometer steep ascent that leads to Thachru, the second base camp, passing through a location called Khumba Duar, which is a great place to unwind. After traveling a distance, you arrive at Thachru, which is at an elevation of 3600 meters.

Day 03 (Thachru to Kali Top)  3 Km:

The following day, you begin your ascent from Thachru, the second base camp, and proceed 3 km to Kalighati, which is also known as Kali Top due to the Kali Mata Temple. Since the Shrikhand Mahadev trek is high altitude, it is always advisable to acclimate beforehand and take occasional breaks. Although there isn’t a base camp, you can stay in some inexpensive tents here, and if the weather is clear, you can see the Shrikhand Mahadev—I have seen it myself.

Day 04 (Kali Top to Kunsa) 4 Km  12500ft :

Beginning at Kali’s Top, you descend to Bhim Duara before climbing to Kunsa, which situated at an elevation of 12,500 feet. which the third base camp, we suggest you to have a nap as it will benefit you on the last day and take in the breathtaking views of the grasslands and scenery. The location of the network during the yatra was Kunsa, where Airtel had a network.

Day 05 (Kunsa to Bheem Dwari) 3.5 Km:

Following Kunsa, you begin your journey to Bheem Dwari, the fourth Base Camp, which is 3.5 km away. It is a difficult task to ascend steeply after Kunsa, but you can gradually proceed once you reach a height where you can see a small Shiva temple and some breathtaking scenery, including snow-capped mountains and snowy landscapes. After a while, you arrive at Bheem Dwari.

Day 06 (Bheem Dwari to Parvati Bagh) 3 Km:

This is the sixth day; your body should have adjusted by now, so you may move on to Parvati Bagh, the final base camp, which is located 3 km from Bheem Dwari. Once you get going, you have to traverse glaciers and pass by a waterfall that drops 100 meters. Its thought Maa Parvati used to wash her hair in this fall, which known as Parvati Fall.

Day 07 (Parvati Bagh to Shrikhand Mahadev Peak) 7 Km 18570 ft. :

Shrikhand This is the moment you were preparing yourself for the final phase of the yatra the spiritual journey to connect yourself to Shiva where you start early in the morning around 3 or 4 Am and cover a total distance of 7 km which takes 5- hours. Once you start you reach Nainsarovar, a lake at an altitude of 14500ft. find small temples of Shiva from here ascent starts and continues till Bheem Talai. the most difficult Phase as you are already in high altitude.

where your body giving up and you find difficult to walk but at this time keep-drinking sip of water and walk slowly, Bheem Talai is where you will find Large rocks kept in a symmetric way like stair which is by Bheem. After walking for some time Finally, you reach the Majestic peak Shrikhand Mahadev where you can connect with Shiva on the way back and stay at Parvati Bagh or Bheem Dwari.

Day 08 ( Parvati Bagh to Jaon) :

As this last day you also motivated. cover day or relax in between or finally reach Jaon. The itinerary you must follow as this not an easy Yatra prepare yourself accordingly.

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